I'm Not Racist... Am I? Archives - Point Made Learning

I’m Not Racist… Am I? & Talk of Iowa

Last May, an incredible group of activists, educators, community leaders, and just all-around good people in Des Moines, Iowa organized a series of events centered around I’m Not Racist… Am I?

I went to college in Cedar Rapids, Iowa (Go Coe College KoHawks!), so I was thrilled to return to the state to screen the film and facilitate discussions about race and racism (another blog post is coming soon with details on how to organize in your city).

For now, I’m excited to share Charity Nebbe interviewing me on her show, Talk of Iowa, on Iowa Public Radio. This was such a great opportunity to delve deeper into the film’s content – something we don’t often get to do. Plus, after the first 30 minutes with me, Ms. Nebbe interviewed local students and educators to find out how the film’s content is directly relevant to their everyday lives in Iowa.

Check it out and let us know what you think: http://iowapublicradio.org/post/im-not-racist-am-i